
Feb 2022 Newsletter

Test Beyond the obvious

The month of February is already here for the year 2022, and we are sure you must have read the many articles on the 2022 Trends in Testing. The world of testing has seen a major shift, and 2022 seems to bring down the curtain on testing as we know it. Disruptive developments have been witnessed in the technology space, and testing methodologies are also changing frequently. We at ATA reverberate with the beat of this change and aim to bring the focus on “TEST BEYOND THE OBVIOUS”, through our flagship conference. Please read through this month’s news letter (Below flipbook or downloadable PDF) to know more about #ATAGTR2022

This month’s newsletter covers some important insights on how to clear CPSAT exam, celebrate some CPSAT Hall of fame folks and learning pearls from our past events. 

We are trying our new flip-book format (below) for the newsletter. Please give us your feedback.

Please note you can download the pdf file and read it at your leisure too.