Learning Objectives
Mock Exam
Certified Professional – Appium for Mobile Testing (CP-AMT)
The CP-AMT certification is designed for professionals looking to advance their mobile testing skills with Appium.
If you are into test automation for mobile testing applications using Appium, you can appear for this certification exam
This is a practical scenario based exam. You have to share your code for evaluation.
Please look at the learning objectives and mock exam
CP-AMT Exam Details:
- Duration: 3 hours (180 minutes)
- Format: Practical exam with 6-7 scenario-based questions
- Participants must solve the scenarios and submit their codebase for evaluation.
Exam Fees:
- Certification Exam Fee: INR 7,500 or USD 100 (Applicable taxes extra)
- Re-appearing Charges: INR 5,000 or USD 75 (Applicable taxes extra)
Learning Objectives
1. Appium Introduction
- 1.1. Appium Introduction
- 1.2. Appium History
- 1.3. Relation with Selenium
- 1.4. Appium Design Concepts
- 1.5. Native, Web and Hybrid Apps
- 1.6. WebDriver JSON Protocol
2. Installation and Configuration
2.1. Prerequisites for Appium
- Android sdk
- Eclipse
- TestNG
- Appium
- Node.js
- Selenium jars
- ‘APK app info’ App
- 2.2. Setting Environment variables
- 2.3. Installing Node.js
- 2.4. Installing Android SDK
- 2.5. Enable USB Debugging
- 2.6. Installing Appium
2.1. Prerequisites for Appium
3. Appium Basics & Execution
3.1. Starting Appium server
- Front End overview
- Running from command prompt
- 3.2. Desired Capabilities
3.3. APK Files
- APK overview
- PK info App
- Installing APKs in real devices and emulators
3.4. AppPackage and AppActivity
- Acquiring AppPackage and AppActivity
- Aquiring AppPackage and AppActivity from command prompt
- 3.5. Sample test execution
3.1. Starting Appium server
4. Appium Intermediate
- 4.1. API Levels
- 4.2. Android Manifest
4.3. Selendroid
- Selendroid introduction
- Need for Selendroid
- Selendroid concepts
- Selendroid Server, Selendroid Standalone
- Sample Selendroid Execution
5. Locator Strategies in Appium
- 5.1. UIAutomator
- 5.2. Locating Attributes
- 5.3. Defining Complex XPaths
6. Appium Concepts
6.1. Multi-touch
- Zoom
- Pinch
- Rotate
- 6.2. Swipe Action
- 6.3. App Switching
- 6.4. Screenshot
6.5. Scrolling
- By Coordinates
- Scroll to particular text
6.1. Multi-touch
7. Testing Native, Web Apps
7.1. Automating Native Android Apps
- Using Appium specific functions
- Switching contexts
7.2. Automating Web Apps
- Working with Browsers
- Working with responsive layouts
7.1. Automating Native Android Apps
8. Automation on IOS
- 8.1. Getting Apple Developer ID
- 8.2. Working on Safari Browser
- 8.3. Using Simulators on IOS
- 8.4. Testing Native Apps on IOS
- 8.5. Getting Apple Developer ID
9. Appium Grid
- 9.1. Grid Concept
- 9.2. Creating JSON files for nodes and hub
- 9.3. Connecting real devices and emulators
- 9.4. Desired Capabilities
- 9.5. Parallel Execution
10. Page Object Model and Page Factory Class
- 10.1. @AndroidFindBy, @AndroidFindBys
- 10.2. @IOSFindBy, @IOSFindBys
11. Running Appium Tests in Continuous Integration Environment
- 11.1. Concept of continuous testing
- 11.2. Running tests from Command Line through ANT
- 11.3. ANT task in Jenkins
- 11.4. Running tests from Command Line through Maven
- 11.5. Maven task in Jenkins
Mock Exam
If you want to see a mock exam for CP-AMT, please check the link below:
Note: Note: The mock exam contains important APK file links. APK files will be provided once you register for the exam.