Jaipur Meetup
ATA Jaipur Chapter is the latest edition of self driven self evolving community chapters by Agile Testing Alliance.
This page is dedicated to all the activities and the events organized by Agile Testing Alliance in Jaipur region. ATA organizes meetups as a part of the community initiative.
The first ATA Jaipur Meetup was held on 7th October 2023 in association with Pratham Software™ (PSI)
You can read more about it on the following URL
During the first meetup, the core group was formulated with the idea that the community can evolve further and bring more such meetups and programs. Special thanks to Pratham Software™ (PSI) for enabling our Jaipur Chapter and making this happen.
ATA also organizes Selenium Bootcamps and certification programs on selenium automation testing (CP-SAT) (It is globally #1 Selenium Certification program with multiple levels – Basic, Advanced and Expert Levels)
Details for CP-SAT and CP-DOF (our DevOps program) is on below urls
CP-SAT : https://cpsat.agiletestingalliance.org/
CP-DOF : https://cpdof.devopsppalliance.org/
For more information on Agile Testing Alliance and DevOps++ Alliance, please visit the following URL’s
Agile Testing Alliance : https://agiletestingalliance.org/
DevOps++ Alliance : https://devopsppalliance.org/

Core Team for #ATAJaipur Chapter

Rohit Mehta

Yaman Pareek
Core member

Prateek Gupta
Core member

Meenal Jain
Core member

Somendra Sharma
Core member

Chain Singh
Core member

Sunil Sharma
Core member